The Schrodinger's cat

is anyone here familiar with Schrodinger's cat ?? 50% dead 50% alive

2014年5月7日 18:23
留言 · 7

on the big bang theory i heard of it :D


it is not about if the cat dead or alive , it is asking the question without observation , what lead us to the conclusion that observation changes quantum state 


Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester is even more awesome than the cat.


Fortunately it was the gedanken experiment. I think the experiment had to pay theoretical attention to the role of observer of some quantum processes which take place. For example: let's take and put some observer into the box, with whose unfortunate cat. What will happen ? Does the effects of quantum proceses will not be observable for the observer ?
This is extremely interesting subject but I don't know. Unfortunately, I'm not a physicist ;)


Yes, it's a metaphor for the ambiguous state of a sub-atomic particle. You don't know it with a 100% probability - but the act of measurement will move the situation out of a 50-50 % equilibrium.
