help me please

Hi friend s. I want to learn korean. . I already started but it is so difficult. . Can you help please!!!

2014年9月12日 16:33
留言 · 3

The first thing is the know the Hangul alphabet, basic grammar, and the pronounciation. I understand because I stuggle with the pronounciation on certain words. I use a Anki app that I used to help me with the pronouncation and the meaning of a word. Quizlet and Memrise is good to help you start off in Korean. helps with listening K-pop songs. There are a lot of youtube videos to learn Korean.

Youtube Channels:

Pit a Pat Korean

Talk to me in Korean

Sweet and Tasty K-dramas

I hopes this helps with your Korean learning.



The first thing to do when I learn Korean is, I learn the hangul alphabet and the pronounciation. So then I can read eventhough I don't understand.

It will be quite hard at first and you feel to give up but please keep your passion to learn  language. You'll get it. Good luck!


I am experiencing same feeling which you noted too. Can you help me to practice English? I can.
