Enjoy the life!

Today I feel as I'm 17 again!
I would like to share my good mood! Talk about exciting and inspiring things.
Life seems to me a fascinating journey that can't be planned . And I love it . I've long since I have no idea what tomorrow will bring me . Anticipation , I feel like a child who can not sleep on the eve of the big day . And at the same time , I remain an adult who finally realized the importance of each moment , which could be the last.
Live and enjoy life, perhaps my greatest achievement at this point …

2014年10月25日 18:16
留言 · 8

"Life seems to me a fascinating journey that can't be planned" . You are so right! And that's what I enjoy the most.

So I can share your good mood because I'm also in a good mood:)


Did something good happen to you...?


(P.S. I'll also add another comment later on your "ideal woman for a man" discussion thread.)


Great. I am very happy for you, even though I don't know what happened to you exactly. And I am really curious about it. Could you tell us and share with us your luck? :-)


It's always wonderful read or hear a person as happy as you. I ca feel a little part of your enthusiasm! Thank you!


Good for you, Lya!


It's like they say, "the web of life experiences subjective timelessness".


When a car hit you, life becomes even more fascinating:D Trust me.
