
It is sometimes tough to find a job and mostly tough to find a well paying job. As a Native English speaker and an English conversation teacher. How can one find a job without stress in the city of Santos in Sao Paulo.

Do we need to do something extra ordinary to get a job?

2014年10月29日 15:16
留言 · 4

Hello Saj,

thanks for the advice but you must understand that without a job you cannot pay your bills and obvoiusly one has to find means of improving their student intellectually and believe me, instead of referring to the universe for solution i would rather speak to the one who made the universe and i am sure you know his name................ GOD ALMIGHTY


I can't help you but I know what you mean, it's really difficult to found a job, expecially a job that you like!



Hello, Michael!



Instead of finding a job, let the job find you. Don't focus on "How to find a job", focus on "How you can add value to your student's learning goals".


Refer to the Universe for more because it always knows!


Hey, i already have private classes where i teach but you know, sometimes you need something more challenging but you know how it goes..... one has to stick to what he has in the  moment..... hahaha
