Group Skype language club?

Would anyone be interested in setting up a skype language club where a group of us could learn together and practise a couple of times a week?
I’m mainly looking to learn French but am interested in learning any language.
In return, I would happily use this time to also assist in helping anyone improve on their English

2014年11月20日 20:01
留言 · 247

I could make a Facebook page so that anyone who is interested in being apart of the group could join? From there we could arrange times that suit everyone to skype call.


I just thought It might be more of an enjoyable process to learn with a group of people. If it actually works is another thing ha


hey I made a facebook group for anyone who's interested (I hope that link works ha)


If you join, leave a comment with what language you’re interested in progressing in.

Also leave some ideas on how you want the group to work!

Would you be interested in learning a new language from the beginning and it be sort of like a book club where we call learn the same thing and then discuss and practise together? 

or are you just looking to brush up on a language you already know pretty well through? 

Let me know :)




   Here is one way to implement   such a practice.


  1.   Discussion groups  to be effective,  require  one person to  start  a group.


  A group should not be large.  I think that the "host" for the group and perhaps 3 other persons  would be adequate.


   This would not be as sufficient answer  to meet the demand.  So more "hosts" must be identified to also start  other groups at different hours.


(2) The group   will need to  have a regular meeting time, and that will restrict who will be and will not be able to participate.


    Everybody participating here can help set up these groups  just by agreeing  to host a group at a certain time,  on a certain day of the week.


    For example, tomorrow is Wednesday. (a)   Per the clock at

 someone can set up an English  Study Group  for   the host and 3  persons (maybe 4).

(b) The Host can agree to meet  once a week or several times a week at  a specific hour.

(c)    The   Host can choose the group members.


    As time progresses,  more groups  can be established at different hourse of the day and different days of the week.  This can be easily done and by  making arrangements  according to the time of day that the  Host  can  meet with others,  the needs of many students can be accomodated.




Nice idea.


It's good idea. I'm native russian/ukrainian speaker. Want study English.
