Alasdair Melrose
Celebrity Class

If you could have one language class with a famous person, who doesn't speak your native language, who would you choose and why, and what would you ask them in their language?


I myself would like to have a chat with the Pope, because for the first time in my life, I think a Pope, Papa Francisco, is bloody cool. He seems very progressive and peaceful and completely unafraid to speak out positivey on the world stage. I would say;


"Hola Papa Francisco - ¿que onda? Felicitaciones por tu ayuda a los cubanos y los gringos el otro dia, tambien por tus reformas al banco del vaticano. Creo que tenes una actitud muy tranquila y tu ambicion para cambiar el mundo es una cosa muy buena para la gente del mundo. Vamos San Lorenzo. ¡Vos sos un ultra capo! Como es mi espanyol?

2015年1月26日 20:42