Do you have difficulties using the verbs "ser" and "estar" with adjectives?

Hello. In my travels I have met French and English who are very dificiltad to learn to use "ser" and "estar" with adjectives. Maybe I can help.
Do you have the same problem?


In my trips I've met French and English people who had many dificiltades with the verbs "SER" and "ESTAR" with adjectives. Probably I them could help you. Have you the same problem?


Do you have some problems to understand the difference between "Yo estoy ciego" and "yo soy ciego" (I'm blind). 




2015年3月9日 10:41
留言 · 2


Es que estaba redactando la pregunta en inglés e hice dos versiones de la pregunta. Como soy nuevo en la web y no se usar aún los recursos que esta nos ofrece, no me di cuenta que había publicado esto y luego no supe cómo borrarlo... Gracias por tu sugerencia Sortilegio


Hello. In my travels I have met French and English who have great difficulties to learn HOW to use "ser" and "estar" with adjectives. Maybe I can help.
Do you have the same problem?

In my trips I've met French and English people who had many dificiltades with the verbs "SER" and "ESTAR" with adjectives. Probably I could help THEM AND YOU TOO. DO YOU Have you the same problem?

Do you have ANY problems to understand the difference between "Yo estoy ciego" and "yo soy ciego" (I'm blind).


Está bien amigo, pero creo que confundiste la lengua.. en lugar de poner "está escrito en español" debiste poner "está escrito en español". 

Si quieres, yo te puedo ayudar. 

Mira mi perfil acá: ;


