Conjugating verbs

Ciao! I'm confused on why or why you don't conjugate a verb after "può" or "non". Help on this would be VERY appreciated. (I know it's probably a dumb question with an obvious answer XD)

Ex. "Può ripetere?"

why is it not "Può ripeti?" ?

2015年5月2日 18:30
留言 · 1

potere- is the verb can


in English you ask can you repeat?

in Italian you ask Può (meaning can you in the formal way) ripetere (repeat)?

Può ripeti? it is wrong because of two reasons:


- Può (meaning can you in the formal way) ripeti (means you repeat in informal way), so you have in a sentence both formal and informal expression resulting confusing.

- it is wrong because it is like saying in English Can you you repeat? infact I will declinate the two verbs:

POTERE                                         Ripetere

io posso                                       io ripeto

tu puoi                                         tu ripeti - used in your sentence

egli può- used in the formal way      egli ripete

noi possiamo                                noi ripetiamo

voi potete                                    voi ripetete

essi possono                                 essi ripetono


Italian will always be similar to English we declinate the verb POTERE then the other verb will be at the infinitive without to. I hope I have helped and pardon me for my English....I know I am far away from perfection.


