Gwilym James 詹季威
First notebook entry: Introducing myself 我是Gwilym, 我的中文名字是詹季威。我是從英國來的但是現在我住在馬公,台灣。我學中文打鬼四個月,和我喜歡中文應為很難。我是二十四雖。以前一年我在愛丁堡學習神經科學.
2012年3月9日 06:10
修正 · 15

First notebook entry: Introducing myself

我是Gwilym, 我的中文名字是詹季威。我是從英國來的我来自英国但是現在住在馬公,台灣的马公。我學中文打鬼大概四個月,我喜歡中文,應為因为它很難。我二十四岁以前一年前,我在愛丁堡學習神經科學.


First notebook entry: Introducing myself

It is best you provide an English version because it is extremely hard to guess what you are trying to say when you used wrong characters etc.  At the same time, we can help to convey your intent more precisely.

我是Gwilym, 我的 If the context is understood, it is unnatural in Chinese to repeat pronouns 中文名字是詹季威。我是從 英國來的 coming from England does not mean you are of English descent or a citizen there, it just means you came from there. It is better to say 我是英國人. 但是現在住在馬公,台灣 的馬公The Chinese convention is the opposite way.  It reflects on the philosophy.  Society comes first before oneself unlike in the West, where individuality preceeds. 學中文/已經/大慨/有打鬼四個月我喜歡中文為很難 You like to learn Chinese because it is difficult to learn or are you trying to say, "I love Chinese but it is difficult to learn"? If this is the case, then歡中文很難 。我今年二十四前一年 or 前一年在愛丁堡念/讀學習神經科學. 學 = learn, 學習 = learn and practise the skill.  To study therefore is just only 學.  For example, if you are learning kungfu etc, 學習 is better because you need to practise what you learnt at the same time. You can't use it if you are studying things such as medicine or psychology because you aren't licensed to do so.  This are the subtle differences due to differences in culture and philosophy.


First notebook entry: Introducing myself

我是Gwilym, 我的中文名字是詹季威。我是從英國來的但是現在我住在馬公,台灣。我學中文打鬼四個月,和我喜歡中文應為很難。我是二十四雖。以前一年我在愛丁堡學習神經科學.

我是Gwilym, 我的中文名字是詹季威。我是從英國來的但是現在我住在馬公,台灣。我學中文打鬼四個月,我喜歡中文為很難。我是二十四前一年我在愛丁堡學習神經科學.

我是Gwilym, 我的中文名字是詹季威。我來自英國,(但)現在我住在台灣的馬公市。我學中文四個月,我喜歡中文,為它很難學習。我(是)二十四。前一年我在愛丁堡學習神經科學。

If you live in Penghu county,台灣的馬公市>>>you also can write 台灣的澎湖縣馬公市


First notebook entry: Introducing myself

我是Gwilym, 我的中文名字是詹季威。我是從英國來的但是現在我住在<strike>馬公,台灣</strike>(台湾,马工)。我學中文<font style="background-color: yellow;"><strike>打鬼</strike>(大概)</font>四個月,<strike>和</strike>我喜歡中文,<font style="background-color: yellow;"><strike>應為</strike>(但是)</font>很難。我<strike><font style="background-color: yellow;">是</font></strike>二十四雖。<strike><font style="background-color: yellow;">以</font></strike>前一年我在愛丁堡學<font style="background-color: yellow;">(习</font><font style="background-color: yellow;">)</font>習神經科學.


写的很不错哦 祝好! 
