The opaque watercolor painting Even if we use watercolor, we can express a feeling of thickness like oil painting or acril painting. The key is to use white color and little water. In the opaque water painting, we should make all colors with white color. And we should take care of the amount of water. If your brush is watery, your painting will not be different from watercolor paintings. I felt difficult in expressing the lake's windless and half transparent surface. The professor suggested that I should touch in a long way with the brush. Because I touched in a short way with the brush, the lake's surface looked wavy and dynamic.
2014年4月21日 10:08
修正 · 5

The opaque watercolor painting

Even if we use watercolor, we can express a feeling of thickness like with oil painting or acrylic painting.
The key is to use white color and little water.
In the opaque water painting, we should make all colors with white color.
And we should take care of the amount of water we use.
If your brush is watery, your painting will not be different from watercolor paintings.

I felt difficulty in expressing the lake's windless and half transparent surface.
The professor suggested that I should touch in a long way* with the brush.
Because I touched in a short way* with the brush, the lake's surface looked wavy and dynamic.


*You could say "make long strokes" and "made short strokes" 


The opaque watercolor painting

Even if we use watercolor, we can express a feeling of thickness like oil painting or acril painting.
The key is to use white color and little water.
In the opaque water painting, we should make all colors with white color.
And we should take care of the amount of water.
If your brush is watery, your painting will not be different from watercolor paintings.

I felt difficult in expressing the lake's windless and half transparent surface.
The professor suggested that I should touch in a long way with the brush.
Because I touched in a short way, the lake's surface looked wavy and dynamic.

I am flattered :)
Your painting is very beautiful!