我看Kunoichi 的电影了 我看Kunoichi 的电影了。是两个日本的电影以书为基础。故事是很邪恶的蒂。他生存很邪恶的生命。他有七个守卫着保护他。他们攻击一个女寺院和杀死很多的修女。七个修女是幸存者和有公主的命令是Jubei能手的Ninja。他们得杀所有的七守卫着和的蒂。在第二个电影他们胜利的但是四个Ninja是死了,三个Ninja是幸存者。 两个电影是很风的。它们有很多魔法,神秘的人和地点。Ninja也有很风的魔术,例如“乳房的波“和“阴道的回声“。电影也有性欲的历史。是真的日本的电影! I watched the movie Kunoichi I watched the movie Kunoichi. These are two Japanese movies based on a book. The story is about an evil emperor, who lives a evil life. He has seven guardians who protect him. They attack a female monastery and kill many of the nuns. Only seven nuns survived and are ordered by their Princess to become Ninjas under the command of master Jubei. Their mission is to kill all seven guardians and after that the emperor himself. In the second movie they are victorious but only 3 out of 7 Ninja women survived. The movie is a very strange one. It has many magic, mysterious people and places. The Ninjas also have strange powers for example the “Breast Wave” and “Vaginal Echo” and the movie also includes sexual storylines. It is really a Japanese movie!
2014年8月27日 19:27
修正 · 8

我看Kunoichi 的电影了

我看Kunoichi 的电影了。这是<em>两个日本的电影</em>以一本书为基础的两个日本电影。故事是关于一个生活很邪恶的<em>蒂</em>皇帝(君主)。<em>他生存很邪恶的生命。</em>他有七个守卫<em></em>保护他。他们攻击一个女寺院和杀死了很多的修女。只有七个修女是幸存者<em>和有</em>,公主组织他们在Jubei大师的召唤下成为了忍者<em>的命令是Jubei能手的Ninja</em>。他们的任务是得杀所有的七守卫<em></em>然后是<em>和的</em><em>蒂</em>那个皇帝。在第二<em></em>电影他们胜利<em></em>但是四个Ninja(忍者)是死了,三个Ninja是幸存者。



Dear Chinafan,

quite a good text. I marked my suggestions as blue and marked some small gramma mistakes with lines. When you have any other questions, feel free to cantact me. I am now learning German, maybe we can help each other improve our language skills.

Wish you all the best


我看过电影Kunoichi了 我看过电影Kunoichi了。这是两部以书(的内容)为基础的日本电影,故事讲的是一个满是罪恶的皇帝。他有七个护卫保护他。他们攻击了一个女性修道院并且杀了很多修女,只有七个修女幸存下来并且在女王的安排下成为Ninjas(忍者),听从主人Jubei的命令,她们的使命是杀了七个护卫和皇帝,在第二部电影中他们成功了,但是七个忍者只剩下三个存活。 这个电影很奇特。里面有很多有魔力的,不可思议的人和地,忍者也有奇特的力量例如“Breast Wave” 和“Vaginal Echo”,这个电影也包含了性的历史,确实是一部日本电影