Could previous lovers influence appearance of future children? Strange as it may appear parental similarities not only depend on transmission of parental genes but also non-genetic source because they can influence phenotypic variation and evolutionary outcomes. This source is named Telegony. Telegony is an influence between previous mating partners and traits in offspring of males who mate with the same woman. I should say that there was already a hypothesis about this issue. However, it was rejected because, there weren’t enough scientific proofs. Fortunately the technology and the new biological methods have changed that. Recent discoveries advocate the existence of molecular and physiological mechanisms which can intercede on Telegony, among these mechanisms are the penetration of maternal somatic cells by sperm. It might cause a rearrangement of RNA because males provide the female a bunch of proteins and other molecules through the seminal fluid. It is well known that seminal products cause complex effects on female fitness and behavior. Hence, the phenotype of a previous mate of a female could potentially influence her future offspring, engendered by other male.
2014年10月22日 03:00
修正 · 2

Could previous lovers influence the appearance of future children?

Strange as it may appear seem, parental similarities not only depend not only on the transmission of parental genes but also on non-genetic sources because they can influence phenotypic variations and evolutionary outcomes. This source concept is named called Telegony. Telegony is an the influence betweenof previous mating partners and traits inon offspring of males who mate with the same woman.

I should say that there was already a hypothesis about regarding this issue. However, it was rejected because, there weren’t wasn't enough scientific proofs. Fortunately the technology and the new biological methods have changed that.

Recent discoveries advocate (prove/support/indicate) the existence of molecular and physiological mechanisms which can intercede on in Telegony,. Aamong these mechanisms are the penetration of maternal somatic cells by sperm. It This might cause a rearrangement of RNA because males provide the female a bunch of proteins and other molecules through the seminal fluid. It is well known that seminal products cause complex effects on female fitness and behavior. Hence, the phenotype of a previous mate of a female could potentially influence her future offspring, engendered by another male.
