why I came to japan 学生のとき私はとてもややこしい。迷う感じがいました. でも他に学生助けました。聖書を読んでくれた。望みを見つけましてもらった。今学生を哲舟たい。 When I was a student I was very confused about life and became depressed. But older students and mentors helped me. They help me to read the Bible, and find hope for my life. Now I want to help other students and people in the same way. Please help me! My Japanese is horrible!
2014年10月31日 07:58
修正 · 1

why I came to japan

学生のとき私は人生にとてもややこしい。戸惑い、迷う感じがい落ち込みました. でも他に学生先輩たちが助けてくれました。私が聖書を読んでくれた。、自分の人生に望みを見つけましてもらったることを助けてくれた。今私は同じように学生や人々哲舟助けたい。

When I was a student I was very confused about life and became depressed. But older students and mentors helped me. They help me to read the Bible, and find hope for my life. Now I want to help other students and people in the same way.

Please help me! My Japanese is horrible!
