Museum conversation in the open air "Did you know red color is invisible under moonlight?" "No, I didn't." "Did you know once the taraxacum blooms, its head dries out for a couple of days, its stamens fall, the bracts bend backwards, and its parachute ball opens into a full sphere?..." Do you want to continue reading this conversation? Click the right button here: Hi! I'm posting my daily writing exercises on this blog, come in to read the full text, and if you find some mistakes or you feel like giving me some feedback, feel free to write below! :)
2014年10月31日 11:06
修正 · 3

"Did you know red the color red is invisible under moonlight?" "No, I didn't.

Did you know once the taraxacum (I'd just call it a dandelion, but this sounds fancier!) blooms, its head dries out for a couple of days, its stamens fall, the bracts bend backwards, and its parachute ball opens into a full sphere?" "Yes. No. I mean, yes, but I wouldn't have said it that way."

"Do you still feel the wounds when a second is a frame?" "Do you look at the price tags of microscopes?" "Hmmm."

"Here is a book I read the other day. Take it. It's yours." "Here is a song I listened to the other day." "Where is it is?" "Where is what?" "The song. Give it to me!" "Ah, it's inside my head. You know, I can't sing it the way it sounds, I never learned how to sol-fa. I hope you don't mind; it's yours anyway."

"How high are the heights?" "How do you pronounce that?" "Con 'a', not with an 'e': 'h-a-i-t-s'"

"Look at that man, he knows how to ring a bell." "Oh, he must have had access to bells throughout his childhood."

"How tall were you when you were a child?" "About this much. I couldn't reach most of the bells." "Hmmm."

"What are you doing tonight?" "I'm watching voices sitting on a red armchair without arms. Oh lord...

What do you call that?" "Amputee?" "No, those velvet armchairs with no arms." "Uhh... Chairs?" "No! The ones at theaters... gah." "Seats?" "Leave it, never mind.

I'm sure it doesn't have a name. I should give it one, though. A name in English, I mean." "With what authority would you do that?" "With the sovereign one. What will you do tonight?"

"Not sure; tonight it may be my birthday." "Will you be one year older again?" "No, no. More like going back in time to my last birthday, I guess."

"A parachute. Look. Right there."

"It looks like a full sphere."


Ah, a nice warm blanket to wrap up in! Very well written and hardly any notes. Good job Carmen and great to have you back! 

Hi! I'm Colt in New York. I'm glad to help you keep your spoken English fresh and up to date. I help online for free, always! I use only ooVoo to teach and help. Please download and make an account and let me know your ooVoo ID. We can then begin! Thanks! :)