Traveling Travel to other country is amazing, it's possible to know new cultures, exotic food, different languages, wonderful landscapes and more. But it presents some troubles, such as, the airplane can leave you or it comes late, lose the luggage or documents, and maybe you don't understand what people say when you ask for indications and then you are lost in a big city. So, try to be careful with the time, your bags and learn some phrases and words in the native language of the country you are visiting and enjoy it.
2014年11月23日 04:24
修正 · 2
u r right. i lost my bag once,but after that i become really protective of my stuff when i travel. coz travel itself is a joy,so now i try to travel light &2 carry simple things with me &not important ones.


Travelling to other countries is amazing.  It's possible to learn about (1) new cultures, exotic food, different languages, wonderful landscapes, and more. But it presents some challenges such as, the airplane leaving (2) you or arriving late, lost luggage or documents, maybe not understanding what people say when you ask for directions leaving you are lost in a big city.

So, try to be careful with your time and bags, learn some (3) phrases and words in the native language of the country you are visiting, and enjoy it.


1) Sé que el verbo es conocer en español, pero en inglés "aprendimos de una cosa" en vez de "conocer una cosa"

2) "taking off without you" es mejor pero intenté mantener tus palabras todo lo posible

3) "several" me parece más natural aquí pero "some" está bien
