America and Cuba buried the hatchet after 54 years With the headline "In from the cold" the newspaper "The Times" announced the end of the cold war between USA and Cuba. The two countries leaders have commited to restore diplomatic and economical relationships after 18 months of secret talks, supported by Canada. The USA siege agaisnt the island would become diluted after taken measures to allow travels, commercial transations and money movements. Obama claimed that is time to offer a new apparoach. At the same time, the president Raúl Castro explained to his citizens the historical pact.
2014年12月18日 06:27
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America and Cuba buried the hatchet after 54 years

With the headline "In from the cold",  the newspaper "The Times" announced the end of the cold war between the USA and Cuba. The two countries leaders of both countries have commited to restore their diplomatic and economical relationships after 18 months of secret talks, supported by Canada.
The USA siege American blockade against the island will be would become diluted after taken measures are taken to allow travels, commercial transactions and the money movements.of money between the two countries. 
Obama claimed that this is the right time to offer a new apparoach. At the same time, the Cuban president Raúl Castro announced explained to his citizens the historical pact.


A very historical day but time will tell how much things will change. Well done Lidia!


America and Cuba buried the hatchet after 54 years

With the headline "In from the cold" the newspaper, "The Times" announced the end of the cold war between the US and Cuba. The two countries' leaders have commited to restore diplomatic and economic relationships after 18 months of secret talks that had been supported by Canada.
The decision by the United States to oficially accept Cuba's communist government should help to soften the islands economic crisis that had been severely impacted by the refusal of the United States to allow travel to and from the island, and commercial transactions such as trade and investments.
President Obama claimed that it is time to offer a new apparoach. At the same time, President Raúl Castro explained to his citizens the historical impact.


Be careful with the word....siege...normally it is used to refer to a military attack.

Alguien sugerió la palabra "blockade", pero no es la palabra correcta. La palabra correcta es "embargo."