Something about finding a language partner I've been looking for language partners for so long, but I still can't find one that really match. I think it's so hard because if you want to do a face-to-face language exchange,you need to be quite cautious of who you are going to meet.If you would like to cam or skype, you need to take the time differences between different countries into account. If you only wanna chat online via words,there's still problem that you need to wait until he or she replies,and you are not sure how long it will take. I'm really curious about how you guys start a lasting exchange on italki, and how to make it more efficient. p.s. Do you have the same question as me? If so,you can not only correct my article but share your ideas with me.
2015年1月26日 20:49
修正 · 5

Something About Finding a Language Partner

I've been looking for language partners for so long, but I still can't find one that really matches.
I think it's so hard because if you want to do a face-to-face language exchangeyou need to be quite cautious of who you are going to meetIf you would like to cam or skype, you need to take the time differences between different countries into account. If you only want to chat online via wordsthere's still the problem that you need to wait until he or she repliesand you are not sure how long it will take. I'm really curious about how you guys start a lasting exchange on italki, and how to make it more efficient.

P.S. Do you have the same question as me? If soyou can not only correct my article but share your ideas with me.


There were only a few, minor errors.  Your English is very good!  The time difference is probably the biggest problem.

This is an old post, but my experience with very compatible partners that get along with each other is that we make time somehow. Sometimes, that means one person will adjust to the other's schedule with a little bit more difficulty, but if it feels worth it, then it is not as big a deal as it seems. I prefer stricter sessions to be with instructors, and I like my language partners to be relaxed and friendly.
My biggest problem with trying to practice languages with everyone is the time difference. Because we only practice languages, we jump in to chat a little quickly, but in that sense, I've had no problems with anyone, most arrangement have collapsed because of time differences.
I agree sometimes it is hard, and adjusting to your partner's time is important. I feel meeting someone on webcam should be treated the same as real life, use your best judgment. If you have a lot in common and quickly become friends, using a webcam should be no problem. ^^
Yes, the biggest problem is about timing. We have to arrange our time to match with each other. I found a partner for exchange language already. I and her adjust time for matching each other. So I think you can do the same ;) I'm not an English native, but if you like, I can be your language partner cause I want to practice my Chinese as well :) What do you think?