"bráði af" - Meaning and infinitive, lexical form of the word? Hi what is the infinitive form of "bráði af" in the following sentence: "Hann hóf staf sinn á loft og horfði inn í augu mín, svo eitt andartak bráði af mér." What is the meaning of bráði af? :/ I want to look up 'bráði af' in the dictionary, but I don't know its lexical form... :( Is it brá? :/
2015年5月18日 17:55
修正 · 4
Thank you so much, Gudmundur :)
Correct, but be aware of another similar verb 'bregða' which turns to 'brá' in past tense. It's also impersonal.
Thank you so much for your help, Magda! Brá was the word I was looking for, that settled it. You Slavic people are experts when it comes to grammar. :)
Hi :) I'm not a native speaker, so I might be wrong, but as far as I know, it's an impersonal form of the verb brá as you can see here: In any case, if you need to find a basic form of a word, just use BÍN and remember to tick the box marked with "Leita að beygingarmynd" (inflected forms). I think it means to recover, get better.