mobile phone Mobile phones are everywhere in our life. The number of mobile phone users is increasing quickly recent years,which has been paid great attention. More and more people prefer to send messages and call other than to meet face to face. it greatly changes our lifestyle. Different people have different opinions concerning the use of cellphone. Some people hold the idea that we should advocate more use of cell phone . The use of mobile phone is totally improving our makes information spread more quickly. we can connect each other by calling at anytime. We can go shopping and play games by mobile phone . However, a lot of people are not agree with this opinion because the overuse of mobile phone can have a negative effect on the people. People are more likely to look down to their mobile phone whenever he is walking or eating. A lot of students spend their time playing games not studying from the internet. Worse still,some students use mobile phone in class,which distracts their attention from studying.they propose that people reduce their time on internet as possible as they can. Waiting for you correction.
2015年7月5日 14:18
修正 · 2

Mobile Phones.


Mobile phones are everywhere in our lives. The number of mobile phone users has been increasing quickly in recent years,which has gathered a lot of attention. More and more people prefer to send messages and call others than to meet face to face. it greatly changes our lifestyle. 

Different people have different opinions concerning the use of cellphones. Some people hold the idea that we should advocate a more frequent use of cellphones . The use of mobile phones is definitely improving our allows information to spread more quickly. we can connect each other by calling at anytime. We can go shopping and play games with our mobile phone .

However, a lot of people are not agree (Don't agree) with this opinion because the overuse of mobile phones can have a negative effect on people (when speaking in general we don't use the). People are more likely to look down at their mobile whenever they are walking or eating. A lot of students spend their time playing games not studying from the internet. Worse still,some students use their phones in class,which distracts them from studying.they propose that people reduce their time (or spend less time on) on THE internet as much as possible.
Waiting for you correction.


:) there you go, keep studying! You are doing well
