Pull out my wisdom tooth!!! I pulled out my wisdom tooth today. It was hard but it`s final my wisdom tooth. I guess my cheek will be like OTAHUKU that is Japanese traditional mask. If you interested in OTAHUKU check it this link.;=detailv2&&id;=2B95C200A2AF824188227407287779FA16157BE7&selectedIndex;=6&ccid;=pg5fzUSk&simid;=608008834025522318&thid;=OIP.Ma60e5fcd44a4b07ba5a386c87fb0faafo0&ajaxhist;=0
2015年10月9日 10:11
修正 · 5

Pull out my wisdom tooth!!!

I pulled out my wisdom tooth today.
It was hard but, it`s final my wisdom tooth.
I guess my cheek will be like OTAHUKU that is  it is Japanese traditional mask.

If your interested in OTAHUKU check it this link  the link below.;=detailv2&&id;=2B95C200A2AF824188227407287779FA16157BE7&selectedIndex;=6&ccid;=pg5fzUSk&simid;=608008834025522318&thid;=OIP.Ma60e5fcd44a4b07ba5a386c87fb0faafo0&ajaxhist;=0

 I saw it! is it painful? Make sure to take some medicine. :)





Let me return the favor (:


Pull out my wisdom tooth!!! - this is a command for someone to pull out your tooth. You probably meant to say "Pulling out my wisdom tooth" - the process of pulling it out or "Pulled out my wisdom tooth" - the action that happened in the past.

I pulled out my wisdom tooth today.
It was hard but it's my final wisdom tooth. - otherwise the word "final" does not belong to the tooth, but to the sentence. And makes it sound like "it's finally my wisdom tooth", as if you pulled out other, not wisdom teeth before.

I guess my cheek will be like OTAHUKU. That is a Japanese traditional mask. - you need to put "a" before singular, countable nouns. Like a car, a cat, a mask. For plural countable - no "a". Like cars, cats, masks. For non countable - no "a". Like snow, water, rain.

If you are interested in OTAHUKU, check it in this link. - Other examples: it is damaged, I am tired, you are spoiled. "I damaged it", but "It is damaged". You could say "Check this link" or "Check it in this link".
