The Public Library I’d like to talk about the public library in my hometown, which is a good place for me to read and write. It’s situated in the southern suburb of the tiny city. I live downtown, so it is not very near to my home. If I want to go there, I need either to take a bus or ride my bicycle. I go there only once in a blue moon nowadays, I even don’t remember the last time when I went there. That’s not to say the place doesn’t appeal to me. It’s mainly because I’ve always been on the go with my work. During my middle school years, I would go there quite often. I must have gone there every weekend. I always go there on my own since I like being alone. And only when I am alone I can concentrate on my study. What I usually read there is books related to my work, I mean software development. Of course, when I am feeling tiring, I read literature to relax and unwind. It is a cozy and comfortable environment to study. I have a few good reasons to say so. First of all, it is really quite, which means there are distractions at all. A second reason is that you can get every book you need to get an insight into a subject. That’s all I want to say about the library, a good place to read and write.
2015年11月26日 08:41
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The Public Library

I’d like to talk about the public library in my hometown, which is a good place for me to read and write. It’s situated in the southern suburb of the a tiny city. I live downtown, so it is not very really near to from my home. If I want to go there, I need either to take a bus or ride my bicycle.
I go there only once in a blue moon nowadays, I even don’t remember the last time when I went there. That’s not to say I'm not saying the place doesn’t appeal to me, but it’s mainly because I’ve always been on the go with my work. During my middle school years, I would go there quite often. I must have gone there every weekend.
I always go there on my own since I like being alone. And only when I am alone I can concentrate on my studies. What I usually read there is books related to my work, I mean software development. Of course, when I am feeling tiring tired I read literature to relax and unwind.
It is a cozy and comfortable environment to study. I have a few good reasons to say so. First of all, it is really quite quiet, which means there are no distractions at all. A Second reason is that you can get every book you need to get an insight into a subject.
That’s all I want to say about the library, a good place to read and write.
