Lyn Mbau
Language learning is a form of art that can be made fun and interactive. Anything fun and interactive can make any child interested hence I believe that making language learning fun and interactive can make children interested in language learning. The way I make my siblings interested in language learning is by playing language games with them. Language games are not only fun and interactive but they are so beneficial because they help reinforce key concepts and vocabulary in the language that is being learnt. The game I play with my siblings is called Spanish Simon. In this game we use Spanish throughout as the rule is only use the language that is being learnt. The game also calls to action for example if I say Simon says “salter” they are supposed to act it out and to make it more fun you can offer rewards. Offering rewards makes the game more fun and challenging for children hence they will be way more keen when it comes to language learning.
2022年6月24日 17:07