Andrew Pavliuk
PART 2 Don't get me wrong, I am neither of them, yet I consider the next - if I am picking a book about a comedy show, I certainly have no desire read about "leftness". I may open the Internet and investigate those cases, but not with a story about the sitcom. At some places of the book I even felt at times that the initial mission of the piece is to enlighten problems of female humiliation, especially right at the end. So I guess that is it. As a conclusion, I would say the book is good to the most part, and if you adore Friends then it's highly recommended for you.
2021年2月21日 14:03
修正 · 4
PART 2 Don't get me wrong, I am neither of them, (unclear: neither of??? racist? woman? ) However, if I am picking a book about a comedy show, I certainly have no desire read about "leftness". I may look at the Internet and investigate those cases, but not with a story about the sitcom. At some places in the book I even felt at times that the mission of the author was to enlighten readers about problems of female humiliation, especially at the end. In conclusion, I would say the book is good for the most part, and if you adore Friends, then it's highly recommended for you.
"leftness" is not a word in English. You'll have to write it differently. I have no desire to read about these topics/these themes. ("leftist" is a political opinion -- not sure you want to say that in this review, unless you are critiquing the author's ideas. I believe you are not critiquing her ideas, but just saying that they don't belong in a book about the show)
PART 2 Don't get me wrong, I am neither racist nor misogynistic, but if I am picking a book about a comedy show, I don’t want to read about such serious issues. If I want to red lad about them I will look on the internet, not in a book about a sitcom. In some places in the book, especially right at the end, I even felt at times that the main goal of the piece is to highlight the problem of discrimination against women. So I guess that is it. As a conclusion, I would say the book is good for the most part, and if you adore Friends then i highly recommended it to you.
Same comments as for part one 😀