Renaissance Man
Help with QQ international account - default language as English Hi , ive setup a QQ international account , however i cant read mandarin (as yet :-)), i need some help in setting the language on the site to English. Any one willing to help? Thanks.
2011年7月5日 10:32
解答 · 11
Huh? QQ International is all in English by default. What do you need exactly? Tell me, I can help you :) Here is where you can download the software: Here is where you sign up for a QQ number: Everything is in English.
Hi Douglas Here is the direct download link :
Hi, I am currently looking to set up QQ in English too. My experience is that the web pages to which Louise refers - are in English. However, the QQ itself is still mainly in Mandarin. refers to a "tencent QQ set up wizard", illustrating that you can select the language that you want. It is a pity that you cannot select that window, there and then, as I am still trying to find it. I have written to QQ contact e-mail and they have referred to two links which, a) are in Mandarin and b) don't give me the "wizard". Still no English QQ ! Louise, you seem to be the expert here, can you take us through the rest of the journey, to a QQ written in English? Regards .......
Your QQ number? I think I can help you.or add my QQ , 139676778