What's the cool simple title for a webpage? I need to create/find a title for a webpage. This page is one of a sport team website, call for fans to choice/vote MVP in season games. What kind of sentence is proper as a title? The title consisting of 4 to 6 words is better, if possible. I'm thinking for a long time, but.. X( "FANS MVP AWARD" "FANS MVP AWARD SELECTION" "MVP AWARD SELECTION BY FANS"..this is merely a sentence?! Could you give me an advice or proper title? Thank you.
2012年2月15日 12:05
解答 · 2
My advice is to find multiple words that you think are unique. Form catchy titles. - Important... Google them and use your favorite that has nothing like it. You did not give me the name of the team. I can't give a good example though... Wouldn't you want that in the title? My high-school team was Wampus Cats. I'll use that... and the title you have been considering Wampus Fans (sounds a little like Wampus Cats.) Then I would see if there is something already like it in google.
You are the MVP of MVP