Given that English is a "Germanic" language, how hard is it to learn German for an English speaker? Just wondering how much similarity can you count on?  Is it easier to learn French or German in that respect?
2007年12月3日 15:33
解答 · 2
Hi Victor!

The common origin of German and English will help you learning German words, since lots of them share lexical roots with their English counterparts.
Simple sentences have similar structure in both languages as well.
Some difficulties in mastering the language arise from its case-system; every noun, its article (in German every noun has an article, which depends on its gender and definition) and the accompanying adjective has to be declined according to its func
As an English speaker with about nine years of studies in German, and more in French and Spanish, I would say that the advantages of the Germanic roots of English are really only helpful in about the first year of study. As the level of complexity increases, the similarities between English and German are reduced. On the other hand with the Latin based languages, the opposite occurs: once the basic vocabulary is mastered, the majority of new words seem to have the same roots. These differences are levelled off again, I suppose, once a really advanced level is reached when new expressions are idioms, slang or technical vocabulary.