Tiffany Liu
跳電了該如何用英文向leasing office解釋情況? 我家剛剛跳電了,請問我該怎麼用英文打給l easing office請他來幫我修呢?用black out? no power? 有沒有比較口語,而且可以讓對方直接聽懂的說法呢?
2013年4月6日 21:53
解答 · 5
"My circuit breaker tripped" or "I think a fuse blew." Then say, "I have no electricity now. Can you send someone to take a look at the electrical panel box?"
Brian is right. I'd call it an "electrical switchboard" or just "switchboard". Circuit breaker can be simply "breaker" if you want. . Sometimes the reason is not what you think.Sometimes telling someone what the problem cause is can be misleading. Sometimes you can just explain things you know & let the expert analyse the cause. . The power went off suddenly. We are without power. We have a black out now. We need someone to fix this, ...promptly, emphasis as you see fit. :) If you blew a fuse or a breaker, there was probably a reason. The reason is probably not in the switchboard. Expect questions about electrical things in your office. :)
What does the grammar mean in the sentence? I have a few questions. What does mean? I don't understand what the grammar point sleep means in this sentence. Why wasn't if alone used?