学位证,毕业证,德文表达 请教各位:德语中,普通高等学校 毕业证书,普通高等学校 学士学位证书,怎么表达?谢谢!
2013年6月24日 03:16
解答 · 1
Sorry, I can't answer in Chinese. The original German degress after finishing university are: Diplom: 4-5 years. Doktor: requires Diplom (or equivalent degree) and in-depth thesis ("Promotionsarbeit"), additional 3-5 years; equivalent to PhD Most universities in Germany now also offer the degrees of the English system: Bacchelor: 3-4 years Master: requires Bacchelor, additional 1-2 years The number of years are the "Regelstudienzeit" (regular length of studies), actual time spent may differ. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hochschulabschluss#Akademischer_Grad