Phil Leung
Has anyone taken the OOPT test on iTalki? And if you have taken the test, do you think it's helpful?
2014年3月12日 06:27
解答 · 4
I'm against bureaucracy and titles. It's not the title that makes a teacher good. I think there far more important issues, like to be on the same wave with the professor helps a lot even if the communication is far from perfect. So, in this case, i think, Oxford is the only one who takes advantage of the test. And after a cheap trial session the student knows which is the real English level of his / her teacher.
2014年3月12日 The link has the information. I just want to find out if it helps to have the test scores presented on my profile.
I don't know what the OOPT test is. I asked this question here the other day but did not receive a reply. Can you tell me what it is all about. Thanks :-)