지나치게, 지나치도록 When I was first learning Korean, I learned that -게 can be added to verbs/adjectives to turn them into adverbs. Then I learned the usage of -게 as used in -게 하다 and -게 되다. Recently, I learned that -게 can be used in place of -도록 to mean "so that" or "in order to". But I'm confused about the adverb and "in order to" forms. Are they the same or are they distinctively different? For example: 지나치게 먹다 In English, I can say that as "to eat excessively" or "to eat to the point of excess". In Korean, are they same? Also, can I write 지나치도록 먹다 to also mean "to eat excessively" or "to eat to the point of excess"?
2014年4月22日 21:03
解答 · 2
The word 지나치다 has two word class. it can be a verb as well as an adjective. If 지나치-게 is used as a degree adverb, it generally modifies the following adverb or verb directly, as in "지나치-게 (많이/조금) 먹다(to eat something too much/little". But in the case "지나치-도록 먹다", the adverbial 지나치-도록 is mainly used to show the purpose/intention of doing that. Of course, although it can be used to show the degree of doing that, that use is rather rare in most cases.
- 지나치게 먹다는 말은 to eat to much 정도 의미입니다. - 지나치도록 먹다 to also mean "to eat excessively" or "to eat to the point of excess" -> 경우에 따라 동시에 사용할 수 있습니다.