Shashank Rao
The verb néixer I'm looking up the conjugations of néixer, and Verbix gives me this: jo neixo/naixo tu neixes/naixes ell/ella neix/naix nosaltres naixem vosaltres naixeu ells/ella neixen/naixen Which is the correct conjugation? Is it a matter of choice or is it a dialectical difference?
2014年4月30日 17:29
解答 · 10
In the standard catalan the conjugation of this verb is: Jo naixo Tu naixes Ell/ella naix Nosaltres naixem Vosaltres naixeu Ells naixen
Hi, I'm only a student in Catalan, but I looked at the dictionary I use and an online site and from what I can tell, the conjugations "naixo", "naixes", "naix", and "naixen" are standard in Valencia, where the infinitive is written "nàixer" instead of "néixer". Maybe a native could verify this?
Hi, I'm Catalan, both ways are correct, I looked on the red and I didn't find enough information, I'm pretty sure it is a dialectal difference. In the Eastern Catalan (Girona, Barcelona, French Catalonia and Baleric Islands...) which I speak, the way is "néixer", I have never heard "naixer" near where I live, but I have heard in Valencia (western catalan) "nàixer", in grammar catalan books appears the "naixer" way, because both ways are correct. You can look for a song on youtube "quan jo vaig nàixer" by Raimon, who was an south valencian singer (Xàtiva) and you can hear the valencian accent.
Jo neixo Tu neixes Ell/ella neixen Nosaltres naixem Vosaltres naixeu Ells neixen
Hi! I'm a native catalan the conjugation of the verb "néixer " are this: jo neixo tu neixes, naixes ell; ella; vostè neix, naix nosaltres naixem vosaltres naixeu ells; elles; vostès neixen, naixen