Ruby Chen
"a little bit" and "kind of" weather they could be used to the same situation? Do they have the same meaning in different situation? such like bellow situation... Do you like to drink? Do you feel like watching TV? How many work you have done? etc.sorry. what I’m trying to say is.. I'm not sure if "a little bit" and "kind of" can be the answers of these questions? and what's difference between "a little bit" and "kind of"?
2014年7月30日 08:03
解答 · 2
Correction :"A little bit" and "kind of"can they be used in the same situations? such as the below situations. Do you like to drink? No you can't substitute these phrases here. You could say, do you like to drink a lot? But not do you like to drink a little bit, its just not natural to say this. You can't use kind of either. Do you feel like watching TV? Here you could say, Do you feel like watching a little bit of TV? You could say, I kind of feel like watching a little bit of TV, how about you? (but kind of is for informal speech). I suppose you could also say, Do you kind of feel like watching TV? in a casual way, and I have heard people saying this, but this doesn't sound so great! How much work have you done? Neither would be good in this situation. But could say, Have you only done a little bit of work today? You've only done a little bit of work today?