Need help with sentence :/ This is the sentence: 日本語弁論大会や奨学金やJETプログラムなど学生時代にその成果をあげる学生はもちろんのことであるが、長い間経って、昔の学生にばったり会い、その活躍ぶりを知ることは、特に教師冥利に尽きる経験である。 I'm having a problem understanding the use of "に" here "日本語弁論大会や奨学金やJETプログラムなど学生時代に". And I do not understand the use of "ちろんのことである" in this sentence Help is glady appreciated (JET program is a Japanese exchange teaching program)
2014年9月1日 18:47
解答 · 6
This is 勿論のことである. It sounds like you don't even need to mention this fact, comparing to other facts this fact is obvious.
Regarding に, it's one of case particles. It describes movement and time. And in this case, it is about time 'When'. When I was at school,~' 学生時代に~ About '~はもちろんのことである’, in English, it is 'It goes without saying that~'. In this sentence, a teacher feels quite happy not only when he/she has students who won some awards but also when he/she meet up with his/her former students and know their activities.