what are some expressions only japanese women say? I was talking with one of my langpals the other day and i said 「まあ、いま出かけますか?」and she advised me not to do say that expression 「まあ」because only women say it. Is it true? Are there any other kind of expressions i should be aware of? And are there any expressions only men say?
2014年9月14日 03:30
解答 · 3
Yes, まあ for admiration, astonishment or surprise is generally used by wemen, however, まあ for "wel...", "then...", "all right/OK..." is used by everyone. Here are other words now come to my mind that "in general" is used by wemen: suffixes: かしら、なの、よね、なのよね、だわ words like "well.../let me see...": そうね、どうかしら for admiration or astonishment: あら、あらあら、あらまあ About the words only for men, since they don't sound good, they are used by wemen, especially by young girls. However, in the formal form, there are few words for "only men". I think there are more but now I don't remember them. I hope other people write more words.
I agree with Ryoko-san. Take a look at this page. http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/je2/71157/m0u/%E3%81%BE%E3%81%82/ The first three lines in No.3 are only used by women. All the others are used by both sexes.