What is a good format for a resumé? Hello everybody, Do you know a good website where I can see a good sample format of a resumé in English? I want to write a Curriculum, but I'm sure the format is different from that in my culture. I've seen some CVs that include a summary of the person's background, which is uncommon in my country, so I'm sure there are other differences. Thanks in advance!
2014年9月15日 22:06
解答 · 6
I will say that many companies do not accept CVs now. You can only complete their online application form. A recommendation is difficult because everyone gives conflicting advice. For example, the summary you refer to, often called the "objective", some say is essential, others say is redundant and makes it clear you are copying everyone else and have no judgement of your own. A large website like will have many articles on this subject.
It depends on the job you are trying to apply. So you should check a resume format for that specific application. There are many websites online that help you with that. Cheers