How can I remember the English worlds if you have good way. Please tell me thank you
2014年9月23日 00:39
解答 · 5
I learned english by myself by watching movies and listening to english music. So whenever I heard some specific word I link it to a song. Now everytime someone says pressure, the song of queen "Under pressure" comes to my head. Even with your question I can bring to my head a few songs, "Do you REMEMBER rock n' roll radio" - Ramones , "Bird is the WORD" - Trashmen. Quotes from movies, books, lyrics works aswell at least it worked for me.
Read the words. Write the words. Say the words. Try to use the English words when you are speaking. Speak a sentence in Mandarin and include the English word where it makes sense. 读的话。写的字。说出来的话。试着说英语单词时,你说话。讲普通话句子,其中包括英语单词的地方是有道理的。
I think all you need to do that is reading. 我覺得單字不用特別背,應被很痛苦。但需要多閱讀,第二次看到單字有印象,第三次有印象,第五次就記起來了。