Stacy Johnson
teaching children/babies French I'm trying to teach my granddaughter French. She is only five months old, but I'm speaking to her in French hoping she will eventually pick it up. I like to play peek-a-boo with here. Is there a French translation for the words "peek-a-boo?" Also, is there a good site for my learning children's French lullaby's and books? I am in my second year of French at our local university. Thanks!
2014年10月22日 21:45
解答 · 4
peek-a-boo is "coucou". Not sure about others, but if you gave me more idea in English it might help.
2014年10月23日 is full of kids' stuff, and yes, "peekaboo" is "coucou"!
languages constantly. If you're the french speaker in the house than for the first few years until the child is comfortable in both languages speak only French with your Child and let the other parent speak only English. The child will come to think that they will have to use french as a means of speaking with you and English for the other making bilingualism more likely because the child will think they'll have to be! Je vous souhaitez de la bonne chance!
There's quite a bit online on the subject. It's quite tedious because everything they learn in English has to be learned in French. Just make sure that there is a good balance between English and French exposure and don't be discouraged if the child doesn't speak either language right away because they have to sets of words and grammar structures in their head. So mix it up! If you're reading stories, read some in English and some in French. Sing French songs! If you want your child to be bilingual then they need to hear both