Wu Ting
Where do you think the name of the tannery came from: the Rees Sons Tannery? My name is Violet Brown. Was, I will say. When you read this I’ll not be living. I will explain that directly. If I sound colorful, I am not. It’s nought but a pair of names, stamped on me by two people who never met. First, my mother. She was fond of romantic novels with “Violets” in them. She was tubercular and passed when I was young. The second name was from my husband Freddy Brown, who came and went quickly through his time also: lost in the great flood of 1916. The swell of the French Broad River wrecked most of Asheville that time, including the Rees Sons Tannery, where he worked. Where do you think the name of the tannery came from: the Rees Sons Tannery? Does it mean the tannery was operated by the sons from the Rees family? Thanks! And it’s from the Lacuna by Kingsolver.
2014年10月25日 09:27
解答 · 1
It's a little difficult to answer without reading more of the book,but yes usually if a company is called "Rees sons" it means it is a family business started by the father and later run by the sons.