Andrew Zhao
Some English Words or Idioms about "Jack". I find that Jack is very busy because I see him for several times recently. 1. Jack is as good as his master.【夥計不比老闆差】 2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.【只工作不玩,聰明的孩子也會變傻】 3. Ball the jack.【孤注一擲】 4. Jack of all trades and master of none.【萬事皆通而一無所長的人/三腳貓】 5. Jack on both sides.【模棱兩可/兩面派】 6. Jackpot.【頭等獎】 Why is Jack, I'm curious.
2014年10月25日 13:38
解答 · 5
it is because in 17th century England Jack was a generic term to refer to"man". These idioms and proverbs are very old. Also "I find that Jack is very busy because I see him for several times recently" is not correct. you mean "because I see him often" "him for several times" is not correct
Thank you, Peachey and imk. Could you please give me some examples about the items 2,4 and 6, I wonder how to use them naturally.
2,4, and 6 are common. 1,3, and 5 I have never seen before.
Then there's also the towel-jack, and the jack for a car... and even toilets can be called "the jake".