Come si traduce questa frase? Urgente “But my mom’s such a neat freak and hates piles of papers, so she made him scan everything. If there’s something about me being adopted, it’s on this computer.”
2015年1月27日 12:01
解答 · 2
What exactly do you want to know about the sentence. I couldn't translate it directly into Italian for you because there are slang words involved. It goes roughly something like this: Mia mamma odia disordine, pertanto lui ha (scanned onto his PC?) i documenti. Se io adotatto, la prova é sul computer. Sorry I don't know how to translate scanned, as in to scan a document into an electronic file. My translation isn't perfect, but you should get the idea. Ciao.
Sin embargo una persona maniática como mi madre que odia las pilas de papeles, así que me hizo escanearlo todo. Si hay algo acerca de que yo sea adoptado, está en este ordenador.