I'm not quite sure about the phrase" feel the thing" in the scene below. . Monica: Can you believe it? ...Y'know what? I just don't feel the thing. I mean, they feel the thing, I don't feel the thing. Paula: Honey.. you should always feel the thing. Listen, if that's how you feel about the guy, Monica, dump him! ——Friends season 1 It feels like the four "feel the thing" stuff are slightly different , doesn't it? If it is, what's the exact meaning of each one? Thank you.
2015年1月31日 08:40
解答 · 2
Just reading the dialogue, it's hard to understand what they're saying, but in context of what they're talking about in the show, we understand the meaning. Monica is dating a guy her friends really like, but she isn't feeling like she really likes him. So, "feel the thing" is referring to the emotions, passion, or magic that everyone should feel in a relationship. She doesn't feel any connection with the guy, but her friends do meaning "they feel the thing". Paula says that in a relationship "you should always feel the thing", or feel a connection. Hope that helps!