Is there anyone help me translate this sentence ‘Any in particular for you?‘ Is there anyone help me translate this sentence ‘Any in particular for you?‘ Thanks a million.
2015年3月1日 14:37
解答 · 3
First, let me help you correct the way you asked your question. You wrote "Is there anyone help me translate this sentence..." You could write: 1 Is there anyone WHO COULD help me INTERPRET/UNDERSTAND this sentence? 2 WOULD/COULD anyone/SOMEONE help me INTERPRET/UNDERSTAND this sentence? 3 CAN SOMEONE help me INTERPRET/UNDERSTAND this sentence? Winnie... "translate" usually means "change to another language", e.g. Translate my answer from English to Chinese. "Interpret" means to understand. "in particular" means "specifically"... to say exactly what you want / to identify or specify what you want / to talk about something and then identify exactly what is important. Here are some example sentences: - There is one book in particular that may help you. [There are many books that may help you, but this book (in particular) (this specific book) (this book more than the other books) is the best one]. - I went to the restaurant. I told the waiter I wanted to eat seafood. The waiter asked me "Any seafood in particular?" [the waiter wanted to know exactly/specifically what seafood I wanted, e.g., shrimp, squid, crab, etc] [The waiter wanted me to tell him exactly what seafood I wanted] - I went to the store to buy two cell phones/mobile phones. The salesperson asked me "Do you want to buy any in particular." [He was asking me what brand, manufacturer, make or model I wanted to buy, e.g., Apple, Samsung, etc]. Long explanation ... good question Winnie.
It is almost a complete sentences but the context is completely missing. We can make an educated guess however. Basically, the sentence reduces to this; "Any for you?" So it is a question, and whatever the subject is, whether Food, or Services or Material, someone is asking if any "particular" or specific thing is desired. Basically, it means "What do you want?" or "Can I get anything for you?" .