Nayla Belen
I can help to give the FIRST CERTIFICATE? I can help to give the FIRST CERTIFICATE? I started a week ago and teachers of English have to take the first certificate speaking and I'm getting ready but I need to talk because I hardly spoken, you can help me? I got issues such as passive voice, cnditional, reported speech, modals verbs, relative clauses, adverbs, verb inversion, comparative,, Although / even / In Spite of as long as, I wish / if only / and I have to study the list of verbs,, have the exam on March 11
2015年3月1日 18:02
解答 · 4
Hey Nayla, if you want to schedule a practice session with me, I can help you focus on some of these issues. You definitely might need a little extra practice, but there is not time like the present to get started!
I agree with Peachey. It's clear that you have many months of work to do before your English can reach B2 level. To be honest, it would be a waste of time and money if you tried to take this exam next week. Postpone your exam until you are ready.
To be honest, you should postpone the exam. Here's a correction of your question: - - - - - Can I have some help with the FCE exam? (I assume you mean the First Certificate of English exam.) I started studying a week ago, as teachers of English have to take the FCE speaking test. I'm preparing myself but I need to talk because I've hardly spoken in English. Can you help me? I have issues with grammar such as passive voice, conditionals, reported speech, modal verbs, relative clauses, adverbs, verb inversion, comparatives, although/even though/in spite of/as long as, I wish/if only, and I have to study a list of verbs. I have the exam on March 11. - - - - - This is a LOT to learn in a short time! Most of this grammar is up to intermediate level, and looking at the English level in your own question (A1/A2), you're expecting to do over 250 hours worth of English study in ten days. (I've calculated the amount of hours based on the length of the courses we teach at my school, using our textbooks. I think that's a very optimistic calculation.)
I started a week ago and English teachers (not teachers of English) That is in the passive voice which we rarely use. and I need to talk because I hardly speak (Spoken is in the past tense) You have identified the use of the passive voice. Just stop using that as we rarely use that in spoken English. Good luck with your test.