the word LIMIT here makes me go crazy as usual, i would do some google search first when I don't understanding something but the word LIMIT here really makes me hate filling out forms. lol
below is the sentence. can anyone please tell me if the word LIMIT means to avoid?

limit the distinguishing features to those that can be found on the face such as "mole under the right eye" and "mole or birth mark on the left cheek/forehead".

thanks in advance!
2015年3月31日 08:55
解答 · 5
It is saying don't list every freckle and minor distinguishing mark on your skin. Limit your listing of distinguishing features, as described. This is saying put a limit on what you list, don't list every single possible thing. Similary in an exam, you might be instructed to limit your answers to no more than 500 words. That represents the limit - the maximum permissible amount. Or, limit your alcohol intake to no more than 2 drinks a day. Does that help?