what does "tuck a throw"mean? “He hurt you. I can see it. You sit. You sit down. Mike.” “Cops are coming. Here.” He tucked a throw around Abra when Maureen led her to a chair. “You’re okay now. You’re safe now.” “I’m going to get you some water. Mike’s right here,” Maureen told her. He knelt down in front of her. Such a good face, Abra thought as her breathing labored. A caring face with dark puppy-dog eyes. “The power’s out,” she said, almost absently. “No, it’s not.”
2015年4月18日 09:26
解答 · 1
He put a throw (a blanket that people keep on the sofa or arm chair) on Abra, tight and nice. Children like to say at bedtime: "Tuck me in", which mean, to put the blanket and bed covers nice and tight around them to get them ready, warm and nice to sleep.