Nana Beluzzi
Where can I find some good material to study Latin? Especially dictionaries that have the declinations of the words and what they mean...
2015年4月24日 20:17
解答 · 11
I can recommend this website; But for Latin you should mostly improve your vocabulary. I'm curious, why would you like to learn Latin?^^
2015年4月25日 I can send you some books in pdf format if you want. The books are in english. Send me your mail and ask for any further help if you need one. I have been teaching latin for 8 years and have a lot of experience in how to explain what usually is problem with latin language. Best!
Thank you all!!! I will be sure to check all of these!
Whitaker's Words is also a great site for dictionary purposes. You can type the word in any declined form and it will tell you what case, number, gender, conjugation, tense, etc. it is in.
If you can, buy a copy of Wheelock's Latin with its accompanying workbook and maybe the reader. You can also buy a great series called "Lingua Latina per se illustrata" (The Latin language made clear through itself) that teaches you lots of useful vocab and advances your reading skills.