乔治 洋鬼子
Difference between 恭喜/祝贺 and 文明/文化 As above. What is the difference and can you provide me with any similar sentences where these words change the meaning of the sentences.
2015年6月29日 02:40
解答 · 2
Imagine I am ur friend, and we have two friends: Tom and Jerry. So we all know each other. when Tom sets up a company, or he gets married, u can say: "恭喜" to him. I know that u are at Tom's home because he set up a company and u want to say 恭喜 to him, now Jerry asks me where u r, I say: he is at Tom's home, because Tom set up a company and he goes there to 祝贺.(他去祝贺Tom). 文化:how do people live ------ speak english, drink coffee, eat meat a lot etc. anyway, we can say, 文化 = 习惯, which people in an area all observe. 文明:it's a huge system, which contains all things that human does. science, technology, religion, language, art etc.
1、恭喜和祝贺是相同的意思,恭喜主要用于日常口语表述,祝贺主要用于书面文字书写。 2、文明和文化,文明是对包括文化在内的各种人类社会现象总称。文化是人类传承文明的一种载体。