does" Day Home"=Foundling Hospital? Those efforts and even the coming Olympics won’t make much difference for Sato and her friend Sen Honda, 86, who sit knitting together during a visit to Kita’s Kirigaoka Day Home 【the complete article is in :http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-06/world-s-biggest-city-throws-final-festival-before-decline】2. about the title of this article, "World’s Biggest City Throws Final Festival Before Decline ", does "Throw"here = enjoy?
2015年7月7日 11:31
解答 · 1
"Day home" is a place for old people to stay and socialise during the day. They still sleep in their own homes. A "foundling" is a baby who was abandoned by his or her parents and was then "found" by someone else. In the old days, various public and charitable institutions looked after these babies. These institutions no longer exist in the UK and so the term has a historical significance only.