Does any here know an Old-English-related discussion forum? As above. I have been lately very interested in the Old English/Anglo-Saxon and need a place to ask some questions that have been assailing me for a while. I will be very thankful for your help. P.S.: Don't mention Englisc Gateway, please - I think it's needless to explain why ;)
2015年7月10日 06:09
解答 · 2
No, unfortunately, I asked not to mention it, because that forum gathers mostly extreme English right-wingers, so it would feel strange to me to make an account on it. Just strange... and I know the OE spelling.
You say it is needless to mention Englisc Gateway, and I suspect you believe that English has been incorrectly spelled. In Anglo-Saxon, English is written as Englisc, which is said very similarly to the German variant Englisch..