Is there other words for pack it for me? I'd like to know how to say when you want to bring the food to eat at home? Is there other way to say pack it for me? Because I am not quite sure whether pack it for me is correct. Please kindly answer this question. Thanks in advanced.
2015年10月3日 17:13
解答 · 6
You could say "Pack it for me", although it'd probably come across as rude to whoever you were saying it to, and they would probably be slightly confused. I used to be a server at a restaurant, and the most common thing to say when you want to bring food home to eat is, "Can I please have this to go" or "Can I get that in a to go box?" Also, if you decide to eat at a restaurant but can't finish your food and want to take it home I would say, "could I please have a "to go box" for the rest of my food." I hope this helped haha. If you have any more questions feel free to ask!
Is this a question about English, Fonso? It's posted under 'For learning: Khmer', which might explain why nobody's answered you yet. Another way you could say this is 'wrap it up for me'.
You can also try: "Bag it up" "It's to go please"